I religiously spend five minutes a day doing the above, some people may call it manifesting or meditating or visualising but whatever you want to call it I’m going to tell you what I do and then what I get from it

I sit with my eyes closed and put on a visualisation playlist (mine is on Spotify and its visualisation by the Hoffman process) and for five minutes I do the following:
• I start by doing some breathing work, taking in deep breaths whilst visualising what I want and then on the outward breath I let push out any negative thoughts that come into my head
• I ground myself with thoughts of gratitude, what i’m grateful for that day or week
• I visualise everything that I want to achieve this month and in the next 12 months
• lastly I set my intentions for the day of what I want to achieve

✨ I’m truly putting out what it is I want to receive
✨ My thoughts about it are set in the positive
✨ I therefore take positive action to achieving

Who else has a ritual for mindfulness practice to get results?

Save this post if you want to try it out for yourself