Overcoming your limiting beliefs is not only transformational but the key to you achieving your dreams
A client came to me with the following limiting beliefs when she started working with me in September:
- I’m too old
- I’m too poor … I lack money and resources
- I don’t have enough time
- There’s an earnings ceiling that I’ll never go above
- I don’t have enough energy
- I expect others to hurt me
- Financial security is a pipe dream
- One day I’ll change
- Getting my hopes up always leads to disappointment
- Change is too hard
- Not trying is better than failure
- Nice, faithful men (or women) are impossible to find
- I’ll never be successful
- Life is hard… that’s just the way it is
- I can’t pursue my dream because what if I fail
- I don’t deserve nice things
- There’s no point in dreaming big
- I’m not good with money
- I’m not self-disciplined
- I can’t change
- I’m not strong enough
- Being vulnerable is far too dangerous
- Everyone else seems to have it all together and I’m a mess
Her goal
“I would like to be happier and content with my life. I would like to learn what my passion is and have the confidence to go for it. I’d like to have confidence in myself more, meet a partner, have a family and feel settled”
These beliefs were keeping her stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, unhappy in her job and repeating the same patterns and outcomes
Together we worked to unwire these beliefs, instil confidence, work on areas that needed attention and focus and give her the coping mechanisms she’ll use for life
Her results……
She’s smashed through her limiting beliefs, she’s confident, content, has a new business, doubled her salary, in a new relationship, gained self-worth and most importantly the ability to stay happy with coping mechanisms so her anxious thoughts don’t take over
If you want to know how coaching can help transform your life then book you free consultation below
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