Friendship blessings

Friendship blessings

T H R O W B A C K to when I did my first ever keynote speaker as a coach. Nervous and unsure of how I would be received, 2 of my closest girlfriends were at the event to support me. I jumped on that wonderful phrase “feel the fear and do it anyway” and with my girls...


Have you set out your goals, desires and resolutions for 2018? Did anything stop you achieving your dreams in 2017? Fear of failure can really hold us back and keep us from taking those steps to committing to our goals. Can you be courageous enough to feel the fear...

A check up from the neck up

Make time for you, giving yourself a “check up from the neck up” should be part of your routine as much as washing your hair! You may not spend your days mired in anxiety or depression, but you may also may not be spending your time fueling happiness and...

Coaching together for success

Those that are at the top are not always those that were the most knowledgeable, they just found out what motivated them. If you want it enough and you’re willing to put in the effort you will undoubtedly get results. What is it you want for yourself? What...

Life Rule

#liferule How to be happy, stop comparing yourself to others. If you keep one eye on what others have got/ achieved you’re not going to ever appreciate what you have in your life. Live your life and create your own story, allow for inspiration but don’t allow for...