Beating January Blues

Beating January Blues

Listen to me chat with Sue Sweeny on Radio Newcastle, discussing the January blues and some top tips on how to beat them. I’m on at 1.11

The Instant Pause

A great opportunity for you to attend something very different in Newcastle. Promises to be a very thought provoking rejuvenating event. A lifebydanielle event, hosted by Laura at Space With-In Email to reserve your place...


I will be looking to do some seminars in Newcastle city centre in the coming months. This will be a 1hr talk on an evening aimed to give you food for thought, tools and techniques, a quick pick me up session to keep you on track. If you have any requests or subject...

Mark Manson

Just discovered Mark Manson, interesting views on life, love and loving the life you live!! simplistic and honest The Most Important Question of Your Life