What is your mental health worth?

We get our cars fixed, repairs in the home and most of us think nothing of shelling out in Starbucks for our caffeine fix ( no judgement I’m a hardcore 6 shot espresso gal ☕️). How many of us value our mental health enough to go out and do something about it....

Don’t let fear rule you

Fear of failure can stop you achieving your goals/dreams. Imagine being in the same position a year on and no further forward😐. What will help you get motivated? #noexcuses #pushthroughthefear #achieveyourdreamsin2016 #judedauntcoaching


What excuses do you make for not going for what you want? #lifestooshort #thoughtfulthursday #bekindtoyourself #judedauntcoaching  

If it scares you….

Pushing yourself to take a chance or pursue a dream is scary stuff the fear alone can stop you in your tracks. What is the alternative? A decision to not take the chance or pursue would give you the same outcome as failing at least trying gives you a 50/50 chance of...

Be selfish

Personal goal: be selfish!Never be afraid to do something that’s just for you. You can be loving, caring, forgiving, selfless and adorable but if you don’t do something for yourself once in a while you’ll burn out! Treat yourself and love yourself as...


Don’t let fear stop you achieving your dreams. #feelthefear #pushthehellonthrough