Who’s OPINION matters?

Who’s OPINION matters?

A friend of mine recently changed her profile picture on Facebook. Not something she does often and she got a LOT of likes and comments This is not me bragging on her behalf because actually when I mentioned this to her, her response was “it’s all a bit overwhelming...
Reduce anxiety in current climate

Reduce anxiety in current climate

In the current climate the next few months may feel uncertain so it’s worth remembering to focus on what you CAN do rather than what we cant When we start to take action over what we can control our anxiety reduces and we start to see that fog lift, our decision...
Anxious thoughts holding you back?

Anxious thoughts holding you back?

Ever wondered why you don’t achieve your goals? The image details an overview of all the things that may be holding you back So if that is you then go back to your goal: Take emotion out of it and figure what it is you need to achieve it Make sure your beliefs are...