How to achieve Goals

How to achieve Goals

How many times have you said thats it i’m going to do ( fill in the blank)…….. Excitement levels are high, you’ve even invested money in it and then 1 month later you’re still no further forward? Science says only 8% of people actually achieve their goals, so...
When we have mental blocks

When we have mental blocks

Are you getting in your own way? Our mind can sometimes be like google maps creating specific routes from A to B, these are default responses that our thinking will take us on time and time again without us being conscious that it is happening So when we try to step...
How to manifest, mediate and visualise!

How to manifest, mediate and visualise!

I religiously spend five minutes a day doing the above, some people may call it manifesting or meditating or visualising but whatever you want to call it I’m going to tell you what I do and then what I get from it I sit with my eyes closed and put on a...
Reduce anxiety in current climate

Reduce anxiety in current climate

In the current climate the next few months may feel uncertain so it’s worth remembering to focus on what you CAN do rather than what we cant When we start to take action over what we can control our anxiety reduces and we start to see that fog lift, our decision...